User's Contribution:5708748 GREEN POINTS.

Social Work

Poor feeding

Poor feeding in Benin Africa

Tree Plantation

I have planted 10 trees on my marriage anniversary.

Rehabilitation of Railway children

We work to reach children as soon as they arrive on the streets and intervene before an abuser can.

Participated in Yoga Event

Participated with Yog Shakti Sansthan on this World Yoga Day (21st June 2019) In order to promote a healthy living habit among the masses, we joined hands with YSS, A BIG Event organised by Yog Shakti Sansthan at Phase-I, Ashok Vihar, Delhi, 110052.


Plantation done with Uttar nagar nigam Parishad in Keshavpuram, Delhi

Awareness program for Plantation

Organised a 30 minutes awareness program on plantation at keshavpuram with Uttari delhi Nagar Nigam.

Picking plastic waste from Green Belt pathways near G F I blocks

Used garbage picker to remove plastic bags & bottles from Green Belt

Provide education on environment

Given education on environment to the students of Pearl fashion institute, Noida

Awareness towards the Environment

Awareness program,Under the grow your own food programme, food grown inside the office , in AC atmosphere in an MNC

Cleanliness activity with granddaughter Adhira

Have a Cleanliness activity with granddaughter Adhira in Ashok, Vihar Delhi

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